British Surrender on February 15th, 1942
The Allied troops in Singapore were unprepared for the speed and deception accomplished by Japan’s initial attack. The majority of the British soldiers there had never seen combat before and were unprepared for the overwhelming intensity of the Japanese style of fighting. The final battle began on February 11th. As General Yamashita chose a better military tactic than Lieutenant General Percival, the Japanese Imperial Army officially conquered Singapore and the surrounding Malaya countries on February 15th, 1942. When the British surrendered, Japan renamed Singapore to Syonan-to, meaning "Light of the South."
Dalforce in WWII (image by
One group of civilians in Singapore organized 4,000 volunteer guerrilla fighters to counter the Japanese invasion. This volunteer guerrilla force was referred to by British command as Dalforce, after its chief instructor and commanding officer, John Dalley. Formed on December 25th, 1941, the group fought ferociously, despite being ill-equipped for battle. Their ferocity earned them the nickname Dalley's Desperadoes, and they aided the Allied front by patrolling mangrove swamps, where enemy landings were often made.
Fall of Singapore:
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