The Krait Crew in Operation Jaywick
On September 26th, 1943, the Allied Z Special Unit, which consisted of Australia, Dutch East Indies, New Zealand, Timorese, and Indonesian soldiers, launched Operation Jaywick. This operation required soldiers to disguise themselves as Indonesian civilians by painting their skin brown.This expedition was a success for the Allies because seven Japanese shipping vessels destroyed and it was called “one of the most successful clandestine raids in Australian history.”
Elizabeth Choy
During the occupation, Choy and her husband were working as canteen operators at hospital. They secretly passed food, medicine, and messages to the British internees. After her husband had been detained, Mrs. Choy went down to the YMCA demanding to see him. She was later arrested as well and was tortued for nine months. These conditions would likely be enough to break most prisoners and often did, but Elizabeth held her resolve and confessed nothing.
Fall of Singapore:
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